Dylan CombellickNo Shame for RussiaIt’s Time to Talk About the Post-War PeriodJun 23, 20243.8K21Jun 23, 20243.8K21
Chris SnowRussia has lost more soldiers in this war than in any other war since WW2.Counting the dead: Russia requires a manpower influx of 25.000 to 35.000 men to replace these exceptionally high casualty rates in 2024Jun 17, 20241.9K7Jun 17, 20241.9K7
InThe Erudite EldersbyBogdan Maftei 💎Crimea, Putin’s Poisoned Apple: How Russian Forces Are Losing Their FootholdJun 12, 20241.4K5Jun 12, 20241.4K5
Nadin BrzezinskiThe Future of Russia, Veterans, the Economy, and CrimeaFirst, I found a tragic photo on Telegram. It’s the one above. This Russian paratrooper has been reduced to asking for support from people…Jun 13, 20242.7K9Jun 13, 20242.7K9
Colin GajewskiThe Waning Influence of Vladimir Putin: A Leader's Final Chapter.No much time for Putin.Jun 1, 20242702Jun 1, 20242702
Shankar NarayanFrance Ties the Kremlin and China in KnotsA red line that existed for no reason is finally done inMay 28, 20242.5K10May 28, 20242.5K10
Dylan CombellickUkraine Update 13 MarchIdes of March Approach, Winds of ChangeMar 13, 20243.1K14Mar 13, 20243.1K14